Sunday, December 26, 2010

Review 2010!! and 365 possible?

2010 in review!!!! 

January- Starting the new year off :) just Susan and Josh and our family and friends...

February- I found out I was PREGNANT! thats right I found out early that month that you were on the way. I had a dangerous accident 2 wks later, so I quit my job and stopped traveling to work everyday. It was a terrible winter so I said enough was enough and I didn't need the stress of running a cosmetology class while I was pregnant, so I went to work at Sally's. 
March- I said goodbye to all my students and dear co-worker friends

April and May I spent relaxing and working. I also kept up with Pregnancy blogs and read books awaiting your arrival. I also snapped a few pregnancy photos.

June daddy and I celebrate or 2 year anniversary. June 6th was our anniversary. We spent it in Colorado with Grandma and Grandpa Robinson and Aunt Whitney! Mommy went up and down mountains, relaxed, and we did our first Geo-caching. something we plan to do with you one day.

July I had my first baby shower!! it was thrown by my super sweet friend Laura Twenter. My students came and we hung out. 

August I had my 2nd baby shower hosted by Aunt Shannon and Aunt Whitney!! this one we had at Aunt Shannons house and had all of josh's super sweet family and my amazing friend Gabby Carlton. 
we were so blessed with the gifts we were given!! amazing :)

September was only the month before you were due. I took this month very easy. I just relaxed and set up your nursery. 

OCTOBER was the long awaited month!! the month you were due. Your original due date was October 13th. The beginning started of with again relaxing and prepping. We had read books, asked around, took classes, kept up on dr. appts, and read blogs all in preparation. 
I spent the first few days grabbing some last minute photos with my best friend Stephanie Murray. She also was pregnant!! Then October 6th came along. It was a 2 week checkup appt. My dr noticed my blood pressure was high and sent me to the ob triage diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia. they offered my to begin the inducing process and we started around noon. I began the drug called Pitocin and we began to monitor my contractions and blood pressure. Everyone began to drive up and prepare to meet you. Around 6 pm things began to really pick up and mommy decided to go a head and get her epidural then. at 745 the dr checked me and said we were ready to begin pushing! Daddy and Grandma Toby stayed there along with Dr. Holden, Dr. Green, and another dr. 1 med student and 2 nurses... and we began. 

At 825 pm on October 6th 2010 you were born
weighing 6lbs. 7 ounces. and 19 inches long. 

I was able to immediately hold you....
 and I immediately fell in love!!! I don't think I could possibly explain the feeling.. you'll know one day though.

You were welcomed into the world by Daddy, Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa Robinson, Grandma and Grandpa Skaggs, Aunt Whitney, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Shannon, your cousin Alexia, Stephanie, Breana, Erica, Heather, Leezly, Katie, Great Grandma Janice, Uncle Brendon and Christian, and your Aunt Alexis.

November through the rest of the year.....

we went through many milestones, learning experiences, sleepless nights, joyful times, exciting moments, spit up, diapers, crying, laughing, cuddling, growing, and just LOVING YOU!!

one month w/ teddy bear growth comparison

 two month growth comparison with teddy bear

month 3 coming January 6th 2011!!

How will I record 2011?? 365 photos a day? 52 weeks of photos?? what type of journaling??? 
I'll answer these once I know... 
