Sunday, January 22, 2012

what's the story? 52 creative lifts week 3

this photo was taken on the way to pick up Uncle John from visiting with Uncle Ryan. I really haven't mentioned much about what's going on with your uncle, I really haven't decided how I'll approach the subject in "documenting:" for your memory keeping. I'm never one to edit out negativity, because I believe in really telling you the story of your life...I'll never edit it. It's just a long and amazingly complicated story that has consumed life around this house for a total of 12 days so far. We refuse to live on negativity, we cope and become stronger for it.

[the story of why we took the photo]
We have been stuck inside all week. Some terrible stomach bug has taken over this house. It struck mommy first.. then went to you.. and has ended with Daddy. It made for a long miserable week which has kept all of us indoors. Since I love to take photos... and I've been taking them every week to keep up with my project life album, you can understand why the first hint of sunlight we got made my camera go into overdrive!! You enjoyed it no matter how bundled up you were. As soon as those little feet hit the pavement you were gone. You were running and playing and luckily slowed down enough for me to grab this picture on your way to the car. 
[the story of what you are doing in the photo]
Ever since you mastered the art of alternating feet to move, you haven't stopped. 
there isn't much time unless you are sleeping that you aren't moving. You then learned how to make those feet work for you in more was than walking.... you now love to RUN!! 
[the story of where you are going in the photo]
Even though we aren't feeling the best, finally we had to pull together to take Uncle John somewhere. This required us to pull ourselves together. We had to put those shoes on and get out of the house. Of course since you are such a big girl now you don't need us to carry you to the car anymore... you got this. 

this list could go on, and the stories could go on. Every photo has a story or two that's hidden beneath it. I feel truly inspired by what is behind a photo. Sometimes its nice to go beyond saying what only "I" see on the surface. I would love to see what others see from you in this photo.

What this inspiration has done has finally allowed me to tell the story of what happened earlier this month with your Uncle.

52 creative lifts by Ali Edwards;
what is it?
 Each week throughout 2012 you'll receive an email in your in-box with a reflection/investigation on some aspect of creativity (this will continue to be a free newsletter). I'm using the broad term "creativity" so I can leave room to share a variety of different concepts. It might be process, it might be ways of seeing, it might be motivation, it might be questions, it might be simple inspiration, it might be a list of inspiring links, it might be memory keeping or mixed media or photography or something completely different.