Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project Life: week 15

So week 15 was so much fun!! I finally feel as if Im capturing my project life exactly how I want. I was a little nervous at first to add stickers and other elements to my photos, so I finally did it this week and I LOVE it. I have found I may have an issue tho...

I want ALL of Ali Edwards brushes...

but other than that I have another happy week.

the first side here is probably 3 of my favorite photos!! Top photo there I used ali edwards brush favorite memories. Its actually part of one of her holiday collections. Bottom there is a photo of daddy. He always seems to be the one that ends up driving everywhere so I love snapping driving photos of him. Bottom photo is you with both your aunts!! That has to be the biggest laugh I've ever seen. I also added a little tag there which is from Martha Stewart.

So I've been looking at traditional paper scrapping and I was totally inspired to make my attempt at it. I'm pretty happy with it.

some close ups

and the other side spread.

I had such a great time with it this week. I love all the others out there filling the world with inspiration.

I've already got this weeks going