Thursday, March 24, 2011

Product Reviews and tips

how to get that cranky baby to sleep...

we all fight it right??

Does this product really work? YES! I've actually was recommended this product through a group of fellow mommies who had similar sleep problems. If you have a "colic" baby, baby with acid reflux, or just a cranky night... the 5's are the perfect product for you.
Would you recommend it to a friend? YES! I've recommended this product to every mommy I know. I've gotten positive feedbacks from all mothers. Most of us still use some portion of the 5's system in our everyday lives. Emma for example still sleeps swaddled, uses a pacifier for sleeping, and loves her white noise.
Worth the price? it is, but you can get it for way less... FREE to be exact. here is what I did;

1. go to the public library
2. search for the book, dvd, and possible the soundtrack.
3. download a white noise app for some type of playing device. You can even find things on youtube as well.

Will you purchase from them again? YES! actually I'm looking to get the toddler version very soon.

they got all YES!! 

click here to go to Dr. Spock's site and learn even more

hope you loved this review... more to come! 

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