1-1-11- Swinging
1-2-11- Bouncer
1-3-11- Toys
1-4-11- Sleeping w/ Mommy
1-5-11- Sleeping
1-6-11- Bumbo
Well to be honest, That is the most p365 I've ever kept up with!! I'm so happy for you, you are my inspiration!
Journal entry 1-6-11
So the last couple of days we've had a lot of fun! First off you got to visit Stephanie and Mike and their two babies Brady and Evan. They are actually the first babies you've met so far!!
so I always like to keep things up to date and share quickly with family... so i actually use facebook a lot! Facebook is a social network that everyone can connect to! You update your "status" and it lets everyone know what you are up too. Since so many people out there are on facebook, its a great way to network and have a relaxing time finding out what everyone is up too.
So here are some of my latest status updates... and it will let you know what you have been up too the last few days!! I actually find it a super duper easy way to do daily journaling!! Its pretty much how you connect to friends and family these days
here are some randomness posts from 1-4-11 to 1-6-11!!
Anyone been on my ___ <-- yea myspace \:) lately? Its a black spaced advertising revenued version of facebook... But i have no idea what anyone that i know is doing?!? I got on the app version i didnt see one friend face that i know either! Oh the social networking... Ill stick to facebook because i totally wanna know what everyone did today!
Tues am.
I need a hairstylist!! hmm wonder who? I promise not to tell you how to do it the entire time ;)
Weds. pm
Thurs. am
Thurs. pm
So thats pretty much how we spent the last 3 days. We visited friends, planned my hair makeover, bought you a new bumbo, played some poker, took some photos, played some games, cleaned house, and relaxed together!
so I'll share some photos! they sum up the last 3 days too!!
you with a hoodie... its my absolute favorite look on you.
you hanging out with the boys
playing poker!
you hanging out in your new bumbo!!
quick milestone list:
You are starting to laugh out loud!!
You are now making growling noises!!
Sleeping through the nights!!
Sitting up for 30 secs alone!!
Also you hit 3 months yesterday!!
Your 3-Month-Old Baby: Infant at Last
At three months, your baby officially becomes an infant! This milestone is marked by not only chubbier cheeks, but personality galore! Here's what else your three-month-old is up to these days.
He may not get an actual diploma, but this month marks your baby's official graduation from newborn to infant status. He's still got a lot to learn (obviously!), but one thing he definitely realizes now is there's more to life than eating, sleeping, and pooping! These days, he's likely to stay awake for longer stretches during the day and (with any luck) stay asleep for longer stretches at night. He's no doubt making you chuckle, and he's probably giggling himself by now (bring on the raspberries!) as well as bringing his little paws together (clap hands!). Some babies may even begin to bear a bit of weight on their legs, but don't worry if yours doesn't — he's just not ready and that's just fine.
One thing your 3-month-old baby is definitely ready to do is show you his budding personality. He may be serious, silly, gregarious, persnickety, or determined — the bottom line is he is who he is and he's all yours! Don't give in to the urge to compare him with other babies. His unique qualities are what make him special, just as yours do for you.
Now, besides the routine care and feeding of your little one, your job is also to stimulate his intellectual growth. That's less complicated than it sounds — singing and talking are two wonderful ways to help a baby's brain shift into high gear. Some new twists to try: Use different tones of voice as you speak, and sing songs with surprise endings ("Pop Goes the Weasel" is an oldie but goodie). When you tell a story or recite a nursery rhyme, insert your baby's name for a character's name so he gets used to hearing it in a variety of tones and situations. Another great way to increase his awareness of the world is to take him on expeditions. Go for a walk and watch him respond with glee as he watches leaves move and birds fly and listens to the sounds of dogs, cars, or just about anything that makes a noise.
At playtime, your baby's hands and fingers are still his favorite toys, but now he might be able to do more with them than just insert them in his mouth. During tummy time (which he should be becoming a pro at by now), try rolling a ball about two feet in front of him. With a little practice he'll soon be able to coordinate his hand and eye movements to reach for it. This is also the perfect time to break out a floor gym if you have one. It'll allow your baby to practice his kicks and reaches as he works on those cognitive skills (what's the colorful spinning thing and why does it jingle when I bat it?). Another thought-provoking play item: a child-safe activity mirror. Hang it on the side of his crib and you just might get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning while he entertains himself with the most amazing sight in the world — his very own face!