Sunday, September 29, 2013

Currently 9/29

Another week down and time to move on to October!! Of course things are starting to get hectic tho. October is always the worst when you work retail like I do. It's the start of the Halloween season... Which rolls right into November which is the start of the holiday shopping.. And into December which is the bane of my existence.
This week:
Gymnastics on Sunday-
And then we had mommy+daughter time
We are listening too
And we are party planning
We even picked out the birthday outfit
And we spent time creating together. 
I'm finishing up the week in the life spread... Still have like 2 days to go
I also got in the new sunshine kit!! It will be year 4 kit of choice. I absolutely love Emma and Elsie of a beautiful mess so it was the perfect choice 
I'm also hooked on a new read- it's the angel series by heaton... I seriously have an issue reading hopelessly romantic paranormal reads /shrugs 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Currently- 9/21

Yay it's Sunday which means 
1. It's daddy's last night at his job and he'll start his new job Monday
2. Mommy is officially on vacation!! 
3. You get to go to gymnastics again
So what happened this week???
We had uncle Ryan's birthday. Unfortunately we couldn't see him but we got him these- 

I spent most days stuck at work...
But I did pull some wins and almost wins this week. 
We also hung out with aunt Sam- 
And we got super organized after we updated our phones with the new iOS 7
With iCloud and the calender app we can keep us all synced and share between phones.
This morning I got a girl at work this cake- super funny right??
And we accomplished some more party stuff. I'll make an entire party post soon I'm sure

And you were helping
Wait I think you just made a mess ;) 
Can't wait to see what all happens next week
I continue to embrace my one little word-change. I've seen what the change is every week and I love it. 

9/14 and 9/15 week in the life

So I'm a little late on this one but hey... It's up right??!
I love this project and happy I was able to document an entire week for year 2... So close to turning 3 now.

Saturday- work day and party shopping
Sunday- gymnastics, car rides, and gaming

And that's the week!! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

9/12 and 9/13 week in the life day 4 and 5

So I'm still have fun trying to record this entire week but I kinda sucked the last couple days!! 

I didn't take notes and I only snapped 4 pictures, but hey that happens right?? Yesterday I just sucked and today I forgot my phone at home... I never do that but hey it happened. 

Today- I worked a late shift and slept in with everyone. Everyone was still fast asleep when I left and I got some really cute snaps while everyone slept. I got a super exciting call before I left, I have a phone interview set up with the University of Missouri. It's Tuesday and I'm already praying I get the job. Then I had a long and very trying day at work. You spent the afternoon with your Aunt and then with dad when he got back from his physical test for his new job at the University. We spent the night together and did some grocery shopping and that's about it!

Yesterday- same thing I went to work, you hung out with dad all day. We spent the afternoon watching some tv and relaxing. Later that night aunt Sam came over to be here when she needed to watch you. 

My frequent favorite blog

A frequent favorite lunch

You and dad sleeping in
 Aunt Sam sleeping in
... And mom was stuck at work

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/11 week in the life day 3

On day 3 and I'm still going strong with this project.

Notes from day 3-

Slept in late -11am
Bath and getting ready for day
Missed play date w/ Brady and Evan at bonkers :(
Straightened up house
Did dishes 
Confirmed gymnastics classes
Meet Natalie and Brittany at the mall play place for a play date 
At lunch together
Went to play with the trains at Barnes and Nobel
Home at 4pm
Dad left at 230pm for appointments at the hospital for his new job. 
Relaxing the afternoon at home
Practiced with your brain quest cards and listening to some music. 
You are super cranky and in need of a nap! 415 pm
Finally caught season 6 episode 1 of sons of anarchy! Love this show 
7pm you are finally napping! Guess soa is boring enough to put you to sleep... Much needed nap :)
Worked on some party planning
Finally have the inspiration boards are complete and the plans in place!
It's 2am and we are still up... Yay for late naps.... 

Party inspiration boards
iPhone applications - Instagram,a beautiful mess, and photo collage
Camera- iPhone 5 camera application 
Link credit for photos in inspiration board-

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/10 week in the life day 2

Today I made a detailed by time list of our day. These are just the notes.

Tuesday 9/10

8:00 alarm went off
8:09 woke up 
8:10 shower
8:24 hair and makeup
8:45 left for work
9:00 at work opened store
9:10 bank run 
9:20 opening paperwork
9:30 Tuesday workflow 
10:00 markdowns 
11:00 cash area clean and supply order 
1:30 lunch tuna and crackers 
2:00 worked out shipment truck
6:30 off work
6:45 home ask dad about how day went. Re-scheduled speech therapy. Scheduled physical test for dad Friday. Dad said you were talking well and read a lot. 
7:00 made dinner and ate
7:30 straighten up house daddy took care of dishes and laundry earlier. You played on the iPhone fisher price apps! An Emma favorite :)
8:00 playing gears of war 3 per Emma request 
8:15 movie time (yeah I couldn't play now... Maybe later.) despicable me movie time. While you watch movies mom checks out Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Movie time calls for Popsicles and popcorn 
10:30 daddy goes to work
10:45 brush teeth
11:00 bedtime stories- this is not my hat and if you give a mouse a cookie
Made a video of you saying some of your colors! 
11:15 text to dad- It was funny I told Emma she likes to watch herself on video and she asked me why.. And I was just like that's what you like to do and the she goes "I'm silly" lol too funny she knows she's silly :) 
12:30 Emma fell asleep and mom caught the latest episode of supernatural then headed to bed. 

Photo timeline: